In the physics one agrees, everything existing on this planet consists of atoms which have a vibration. These vibrating atoms are depending on the density appear as a chair, a tree or a form of a human body. In this article I take you on the jouney to a new way of thinking and a possibility of a new relationship with your body.
But let's start at the very beginning. In order to understand this article, we need to establish some common grounds and move on from physics to metaphysics:
1. everything is made of atoms
2. everything has a frequency/vibration
3. this frequency is changeable
4. everything is interconnected
As already written in the introduction text, scientists of physics but also of other disciplines agree that everything that exists on this planet and outside is made of the same basis. An atom. These atoms can oscillate in different frequencies. Depending on the vibration of the atom, a tree or a human body is created in the physical three-dimensional world.
Furthermore the science cannot explain exactly until today why the human hand can go through water but not through a table. This can be explained in parts with the density of the atoms but not conclusively.
Like everything in this universe, the human body consists of atoms with a certain vibration. Our body as it exists today while reading this article is a logical conclusion from our genes, what we consume, our thoughts and what we have experienced.
We all find it logical that from our gene pool we have the same nose as our parents or grandparents, a certain posture or hair color. We now find it logical that we do genetic testing to understand our ancestral history, which goes back thousands of years, and find out where our gene pool comes from. We can understand that certain talents and preferences are passed down through the genome. But as soon as we start the discussion that ancestral karma or ancestral trauma is also passed on via the same gene strand, then it is almost inconceivable.
I would like to invite you, dear reader now on a thought game. Imagine that your body is made up of millions of atoms. Each of these atoms has a certain vibration. They are data carriers of different information. Let us further assume in our thought game that these different data carriers either carry information of things you have experienced in this life, or data from your gene pool, data of things you have consumed or data about what you have learned in this life.
All this information is floating in your data cloud body and together they create a vibration that is absolutely unique. Only you, in your body, vibrates like you.
Because of all this data, which you carry consciously and also unconsciously with you and because of your very individual vibration, you vibrate in such a specific way that everything you see and experience is shaped by this vibration. Thereby you think thoughts which are suitable to your experience and your vibration and so you create a new experience which is suitable to this vibration.
This means in summary. If you don't change anything in your data cloud, you are only able to experience what you are already able to think and feel.
Now that we have done our mind game, I would like to tell you how I, as a trauma therapist, perceive the "reality" of the body.
Everything that shows up as a symptom is an attempt by your body to communicate. Whether it is repetitive headaches, back pain, depressive moods, relationship problems, panic attacks, troublesome bosses, difficult parents, troublesome children, etc., everything, and I mean everything, is an attempt by your body to communicate.
Everything, and I mean everything, is a consequence of your personal vibration of your data cloud to recognize what wants to change, what wants to be seen. All existing symptoms, which show up in your life, hold a data set behind it, which wants to be seen and processed from the cloud of your body.
To describe this with examples from my experience. Let's assume that someone has repetitive panic attacks. When I work with this client, the stored information behind the panic attacks is the experience of a car accident from this person's past.
Another example is repetitive back pain in the neck. In this patient, the stored data showed up as the experience of a shock abroad.
Or a completely different example of someone who cannot drink vitamin juices because the person always felt sick doing so. Behind this symptom was the unique experience as a child that a contrast medium had to be drunk for a medical examination.
To conclude this article, I would like to show a view of what happens when you start to play the game with your body. The less such transverse data sets are in your body, the more you can only be yourself.
Whenever someone follows his resonances, i.e. goes into communication with his body and step by step dissolves things that want to be seen, an inner freedom and self-respect will arise that allows you to transform yourself and become the best version of yourself.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best of luck!
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