Web 3 and the Metaverse are coming soon - Leadership in a new age

Leadership & Team

Web 3 and the Metaverse are coming soon - Leadership in a new age

In business, a lot has changed in the last years, intensified by the Corona pandemic. Teams are working more and more remotely from home or even somewhere in the world. In this article I don't describe the classic leadership techniques but I would like to go into the metaphysical aspect of this situation and give some tips on how to handle morphological fields and how to take the lead in them.

Knowledge about leadership and communication of teams working remotely has been abundant in the last two years. What is rarely if ever talked about is the existence of an "online personality" as an employee, as well as of course a "social media identity", and why this has nothing to do with the real person. Furthermore, there is hardly any talk about the management of morphological fields, although these are highly relevant in science as well as in systems analysis techniques and are therefore well known.

Our different identities

Let's start with the different identities of people. It is perfectly normal for people to wear different masks in their lives. This was true before the pandemic and it is no different now. We wear these masks because our personal values are not necessarily 100% aligned with the values of the company we work for. So we play a role in order to fit into the team and into the company, or into society in general. Ideally, the personality you have with your family and friends is not very different from the personality you show in the company. This makes it easier for your well-being and authenticity.

The big difference between the mask we wear in the office and an online identity is the computer software, the Artificial Intelligence being (AI), that lies in between. There is still a difference to be made between a social media personality - what you show on Facebook, Instagram and so on - and your "employee identity" in online sessions.

Social media identity

I won't go into social media identity in depth in this article. That's a whole separate story on an energetic level. But this much more about it. The Artificial Intelligence software (AI) - or as I call it, the AI entity, because I perceive it as a big energy field - not only scans the data and photos you post to create your identity. This part has the least influence on the vibratory perception of your identity in social media. The much larger and more important part of your social media identity is drawn from who you follow, what you like, what you read and interact with. From all of this information we create a vibratory identity on a metaphysical level. That's why two accounts that post pretty much the same content are perceived completely differently. It is therefore important to consider whether you want to follow someone with your online account, and if so, whether that page or person represents what you want to say with your page.

Online identity employees

An employee's online identity is mainly about how he or she is perceived by other team members in his or her personal field. What do I mean by this in concrete terms?

To explain this phenomenon, we have to make a small excursion into quantum physics, quantum philosophy and biology, respectively. As morphological field or originally also morphogenetic field, a form-forming causation is defined for the development of structures in biology, physics, chemistry, but also in the society. 

In the theory developed thereby the existence of a universal field is postulated, which represents the basic pattern of a system. On this theory also the explanation is based, why certain new abilities or inventions appear practically at the same time in all corners of the earth. From early time the fire making is an example for it and this although at that time no intercontinental travels were possible. 

That means now that in the theory a morphological field exists and this information carries and spreads, although the persons do not communicate with words with each other and/or the knowledge was not spread otherwise.

Therefore, to get to our online identity as employees, the following can be explained. When you lead a team online, you must learn to open and hold an energetic field. The behaviors and values that you want to see from your employees, you must inevitably display yourself. Clothing spontaneously comes to mind. If you wear business on top and sport shorts on the bottom, you shouldn't be surprised if your employees don't display highly professional dress code behavior either. It is perceptible to everyone whether something is being played or whether something is actually authentic.

This is the big advantage of the last 2 years. People and employees have developed an extraordinary ability to sense bullshit immediately and act accordingly. The consequence for leadership, however, is that the impact of a boss's self-leadership skills on his or her employees has increased even more. There's simply less pretending to do. This new need for authenticity in the world of work is the first step in a series of new competencies that must now be learned across large segments of society in order to be ready in the coming years. Namely, then, when the next form of identity arrives. Being in the metaverse or in some form in the WEB 3.

Web 3 and the Metaverse

In the next 15 years, people will be forced to make a quantum leap. This is necessary because the business world, especially in the service sector, will take place exclusively in the new WEB 3 metaverse.

We will have all our meetings with our online avatars in online meeting rooms and spend more or less whole working days in Web 3. Therefore, it is now necessary to deal with two things increasingly and thoroughly:

1. How does the human body work?

2. How do online identities work and what does authenticity mean?

Do you think I'm right? That the business world is shifting more and more to the "net" and that we are meeting less and less in person? Whatever the world looks like in 15 years, one thing is quite certain, it will be different than it is today. Whether exactly as described or slightly different, it might be worth being prepared...

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