On which Graves level are people, societies or companies? What are their predominant values and what distinguishes them? Bettina answers these and other questions in the eight-part series that expands on the article "The Graves Model". After all, the better we know the systems that exist within us and those that affect us, the easier it will be to live together in our world.
The change to the seventh step is associated with a so-called octave change. It is a big step and heralds a paradigm shift. On the first octave - i.e. first to sixth level - the levels do not mix much. Every development to a new level is also accompanied by a change in values and mindset. "My world view is the only correct one" is the prevailing opinion. This is now changing. Depending on the situation, the strength of the level that is needed in the relevant context is accessed flexibly. In other words, the context determines the approach.
The seventh stage - known as the "systemic flow" or, in colors, the "yellow stage" - is now the first stage of this new, second octave. The initiative of red, the order and meaningfulness of blue, the competition and growth of orange and the sensitivity and humanity of green are integrated in a healthy yellow and are applied situationally.
This is where people develop a longing for peak performance and boundary experiences. How can existing restrictions be overcome in such a way that everyone involved benefits? How is it possible to achieve things elegantly, efficiently and effectively? How can the thrill of the previously unattainable be experienced at the same time? Knowledge and competence take the place of power, status or group sensitivity.
Yellow is based on flexibility, competence and function. It accepts paradoxes and chaos as something natural. It listens to the language of life. It forms a partnership with life instead of concepts about how it should be.
Core concepts / values: Situational thinking and acting, system view, innovation, being instead of surviving, flexible, information overload, too fast pace
Character: Integration of all "strengths" of the 1st octave plus systemic situational, functional, dissociated, reserved
Occurrence: Companies with flat and functional organizational structures, new work, start-ups, systemic coaching and systemic therapy.
Dominant themes: How is the networking, the exchange? Are there flat hierarchies? Are the processes flexible and situational? Are the system dynamics open? How can I surpass myself here? Are there synergies and if so, how are they used?
Above all, yellow changes the type of leadership and the assumption of responsibility. Here too, a paradigm shift is required. It is no longer a question of everyone being treated equally. Instead, cultural, situational management and systemic leadership are required. Since yellow managers can easily switch between the levels of the first octave, they can simply adapt to situations and people and take the strength of each level from their toolbox when it is needed.
The role recedes into the background. The most competent person takes responsibility and leadership. Meritocracy instead of democracy (value, merit, ability, skill and performance exert influence - instead of mere voting rights, role, status, presence or membership).
Instruments: collegial consultation, collaboration, scrum, design thinking, "win - win - win", learning organization
There is also a fundamental change in the transitions from one level to the next. It is no longer a question of "fleeing forwards" to get out of a dead end, as was the case in the first octave. Rather, it is a very natural process of further development, exploration and experience on a new level and, associated with this, collective changes in living conditions that initiate the change to the next level.
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