Resource work - Activate your sources of strength

Success & Fulfillment

Resource work - Activate your sources of strength

In coaching, resources are understood as everything that helps to support the achievement of goals in difficult situations or crises in order to move forward more quickly and easily. We find these sources of strength, for example, in the form of help from outside. But there is also a lot of untapped potential within us that you can call on when you need it. In this article Bettina explains how you can activate your energies yourself with a little practice.

The meaning of the term resource can vary depending on the context in which it is used. In economics, resources include capital, raw materials, goods, labour, land and energy. In psychology, however, it refers to skills, qualities or an inner attitude. In coaching, we use the term resource for everything that can support someone in achieving a certain goal - in other words, sources of strength. Sources of help and support can be found in business as well as in inner sources as in psychology. For a better understanding, here are a few examples.

Resources from outside:

- Sources of information such as people, books, media, the internet, training, etc.

- Resources such as money, clothes, shoes, tools.

- Everything that supports us in some way, such as music, animals, plants, stones, holidays, sports, exercise in the fresh air, healthy food, meditation, conversations, coaching, etc.

Resources from within:

- Everything we can access or activate such as talents, skills, feelings, energy or ideas.

- Everything we have acquired, such as knowledge, know-how, experiences and adventures. This includes everything positive, of course. But also negative experiences and experiences that we have mastered can be used as resources.

Why do we need resources?

We constantly access both internal and external resources to feel better, to cope with a situation or to achieve a goal. Most of the time this happens unconsciously. We usually only become aware of resources when we don't have any or think we don't have any. These are the moments when we either feel burnt out because our strength is exhausted or when we can't seem to get going, our goals suddenly seem far away and unattainable.

At the latest then it makes sense to actively ask ourselves what we need and to get this missing support either from outside or from within. Allow me a small remark in passing for all those who need to hear it again: It is a sign of strength to ask for help.

For example, before you get stuck in achieving a goal or are faced with a difficult conversation, performance or competition, it is important to proactively think about possible additional sources of strength and not only have the physical tools ready, but also activate the resources within you.

How you can use your inner sources of strength for yourself

Let's take a concrete example and assume that you are about to perform in front of an audience. Although you don't suffer from stage fright, you do feel a bit tense.

Now you can think about what resource could help you to cope with this situation in a calm, concentrated and relaxed way. Maybe it is self-confidence, maybe courage, calmness, strength or creativity. Test out which word makes you feel better or what could help you to cope with the situation.

Now go in search of exactly that word in your life. Perhaps a situation comes to mind in which you were already tense, but which you mastered wonderfully. Or you have a personal place of power where you always feel calm and charged. Or you like to paint passionately in your free time and you always come up with lots of creative ideas effortlessly.

Do you have it? Then close your eyes and put yourself in the situation. Try to perceive the situation with all your senses (seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting). To get even deeper into the situation, you can ask yourself the following questions. Or even better - have someone else ask them for you:

- Are you in the situation alone, in pairs, with several people?

- Outdoors or in a room?

- Is it dark or light?

- Do you see in black and white or in colour?

- What colours do you see?

- Do you see the situation from the outside or are you inside the situation?

- (If from outside: from far away or close by?)

- Is it a still image or a film?

- Diffuse or clear?

- Is it loud or soft?

- Low or high tones?

- Do you smell anything?

- Do you taste anything?

- What do you feel?

- Is the feeling cold or warm?

- Calm or pulsating

- Narrow or wide?

- Tight or loose?

- Heavy or light?

- Do you feel it in the whole body or in one part of the body?

- (If body part: Where exactly?)

Give this situation a suitable name and find a symbol. This helps you to quickly recall the situation with the associated good feeling. Namely, when you can use it. In our example, before your performance. This is called anchoring.

Some people find access to their resources very quickly. Others need a little more practice. Take your time and don't give up right away. It pays to have a few good resources on call.

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