Weekly Book Review No. 5

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 5

What occupies us all every day, no one talks about it in public and even in your own home it is a very private part of your relationship with yourself? Exactly, it's about going the toilet, your digestion and the intestines.

Giulia Enders: «Gut»

Giulia Enders wrote a book on this subject a few years ago with groundbreaking success. It is full of humor, interesting and important info and brings this hidden and almost ominous organ to the center of attention.

Among other things, it explains why our bowel function is closely linked to our mental life, stress levels, and not just our diet. You will receive important tips on how to deal with yourself, help if it doesn't always go so smoothly with going to the toilet, and much more.

All this in such an easy to understand and relaxed tone that the reading is really fun. The chapters are provided with simple and amusing illustrations, e.g. to show the importance of the angle on the toilet. In addition, Giulia Enders has made her book a conversation and exchange of tips. "Gut" remained stubbornly in the top 10 of all gift tips for several years, and it also generated lively lunchtime conversations in my team at the time.

I think it's worth a book tip, because if it works out with going to the toilet, we're happy in other ways, too. Aren`t we?

Do you like this book review or would you like to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Email me at martina@ally.vision. I look forward to hearing from you.

A gut that doesn't feel good might now more subtly weigh on our minds, and a healthy, well-fed gut might more discreetly improve our mood.
Giulia Enders in "Gut"

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