Weekly Book Review No. 21

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 21

Spring is just around the corner and with the current lunar constellation you now also have an ideal time frame to make room for something new in your home or office. Spring cleaning is announced.

Marie Kondo: "The life-changing magic of tidying. The japanese art."

According to the calendar, spring is just around the corner. Next weekend is the beginning of spring. For me, this is also always cause for the need for spring cleaning, decluttering, once again really clean up, make room for fresh air in life.

If you are more of a gatherer and hoarder, creative spirit and keeping order is not in your blood aka zodiac sign, don't worry, Marie Kondo has written a book that is guaranteed to support you in this. Because freeing yourself from old burdens, not only of a mental nature, has a magical effect on your well-being, your creative power, your creativity and your thinking.

According to sales figures (3 million English copies of Part 1 sold), decluttering properly seems to be a worldwide need. And apparently you and I aren't the only people who could use some support in this. Marie Kondo's method is so popular that there was a Netflix series in 2019 (Tidying Up with Marie Kondo) and since then a new verb has existed in English - "to kondo" stands for radically declutter.

With magic cleaning, you don't tidy up a bit here and there, but as radically as possible and in one go. The process should take at most 6 months. If you own a country estate or a large house, it becomes rather sporty now. The author says, only through the radical tidying up a change of consciousness is triggered, only in this way movement comes into life, which enables us to lead exactly this life, which we desire. Do you agree?

I am sure that a satisfying life does not consist only of tidiness, but what I really believe is that order on the outside and a good organization of my household, my clothes, etc. can help to make more room in my already full brain for heart projects and ideas. But what I really believe is that order on the outside and a good organization of my household, my clothes, etc. can help to make more room in my already full brain for heart projects and ideas. Marie Kondo makes an important contribution on how this can be done most easily and with guaranteed new insights and inputs on how you can organize your things more clearly and decide more easily what can stay and what can go.

I'd love to hear about your experiences and how you've condo'd your home.Email me at martina@ally.vision.

"The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past."
Marie Kondo

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