Weekly Book Review No. 11

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 11

Everything new in January? And many fresh New Years resolutions, which we have already forgotten after a week? How do you feel about it? I always feel the need in the last days of the year to take stock and see what I want to change and how. To actually do it is a different matter. Therefore this book tip for you.

Hal Elrod: "The Miracle Morning. The 6 habits that will transform your life before 8am"

This time last year, I got to experience firsthand what this magical hour early in the morning is all about.

I practiced yoga with a group and under guidance every morning early at 6 am. Getting up that hour earlier has been totally worth it for me. The day has never been more productive, the mood better, and the body feeling more comfortable. And the best thing is, my personal Miracle Morning lasts until today, even without a group (with a few lack of will power interruptions). Because from it a habit became well accompanied.

Hal Elrod propagates in his book, the favor of the early morning hour. He says, who arranges its first hour of the day after some characteristics, will be automatically more efficient, more balanced and happier.

In his opinion, this requires the following points of view: Silence/Meditation, Affirmation, Visualization, Movement, Reading, Writing. You will get many practical examples and some suggestions for tighter time management.

However, I recommend you to try it with a full hour and to keep it up for at least 30 days (says Elrod). That's at least how long it takes to form a new habit and overcome the first challenges.

In turn, your self-esteem will rise, you will gain a sense of accomplishments, you will feel stronger and healthier, you will start the day more concentrated, you will be more balanced and focused in your work and private life. I wouldn't want to miss this attitude towards life.

Hal Elrod's book is written in a simple and easy to understand motivational style and casual tone.

Unfortunately, there is not enough space here to fully praise the benefits of a morning routine to you. Please try, it's so worth it and your daily life will feel much more vibrant.

Visit https://miraclemorning.com/movie/ for links to the film, which was released in 2020 as a supplement.

Do you like this book review or want to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Email me at martina@ally.vision

“Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams. Don't think you have to choose one over the other.” 
Hal Elrod

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