Weekly Book Review No. 4

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 4

Have you ever thought about which activities really bring you joy and feel very playful? It's amazing what answers you'll find. If you need support and want to find out more about your dream job, I recommend...

John Williams: «Screw work let`s play! How to do what you love and get paid for it»

I think we all know the phase when we run on empty in our daily work. You already have a few years of work under your belt and you don't really enjoy it anymore? Maybe even your education was more of a rational decision than from your heart?

At this point I stumbled across the book by John Williams a few years ago. Do something I like and earn enough money to live on? Is that possible? Yes! it is possible, I am now convinced thanks to Bettina, our Ally Vision Co-Founder. John Williams and Bettina have a lot in common. They are both convinced that all activities that feel playful/joyful/easy etc. are the true guiding lights for your talents and you should definitely start there when thinking about your job, your vocation and your livelihood. As is so often the case, we probably wander far too far afield with our thinking instead of starting where the practical and helpful answers lie.

John Williams and his book have taken me quite a bit further in this regard. You can find many useful tips, free materials and working documents on the topic at John's website http://www.screwworkletsplay.com

Do you have any feedback on this book review or would you like to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Email me at martina@ally.vision

If you do something you love and are good at, you'll never really work again.
Sir Ken Robinson, british writer and expert on creativity and education 

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