Weekly Book Review No. 3

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 3

A book for seekers of any age, full of wisdom and simple messages that ease the way through the jungle of life.


Paulo Coelho: "The Alchemist"

Twenty years ago, my apprenticeship as a bookseller led me to Paulo Coelho. I was so young, stranded from the countryside in huge Zurich, and on a quest. Paulo was and is frowned upon in literary circles as a trivial author, yet we sold dozens of copies a week in the store.

Who is this guy, what is an alchemist, and why do colleagues gossip? Yet the whole world buys, gives away and reads this book? Thought, read - within 24 hours I had traveled with the alchemist to the most important messages of our existence. In high school we had read "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Paulo, with his touching and wise words, picked me up from where I had landed with Saint-Exupery.

This book takes you back to the essential, gives comfort when you are looking for the quiet tones and guidance in your heart and I really think everyone should read and feel it once. Paulo Coelho manages to do what many lifeguides cannot. His simple words, without ramblings and theorems, pick you up where you are right now.

Do you have teenagers at home who are in danger of getting lost between Instagram, their hormone levels, and their first adult experiences? Do you ask yourself at an advanced age what do I still want to do with my life, or do you often forget what it's really about between all the everyday confusion? Read this book! Maybe more than once.

Let's stop and listen to what our hearts are telling us, because who feels out of place, should go within more often (says our founder Nicole). The Alchemist supports you with his messages.

Do you like this book review or would you like to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Email me martina@ally.vision

I can control my fate, but not my destiny. Destiny means there are ways to turn right or left, but destiny is a one-way street. I believe that we all have a choice whether to fulfill our destiny, but our destiny is sealed.
Paulo Coelho 

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