Weekly Book Review No. 19

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 19

Urs Gisler, founder of the Healer School Switzerland and member of the most important healer's guild in England, wrote an impressive book on spiritual healing a few years ago. 

Urs Gisler: "Geistheilung. Grundlagen, Gesetzmässigkeiten, Möglichkeiten".


Unfortunately, it is only available in German so far, so I'll list an alternative in English for you here, which is "The Secrets of Spiritual Healing.

A Beginners Guide to Energy Therapies." from Elsie Wild

Urs Gisler was invited to do this by publisher and friend of Aquamarin Verlag, which is equal to an accolade in the German-language literature of this area. So there two elephants meet and share their knowledge to make the subject of spiritual healing accessible to as many people as possible.

This book allows everyone, even newcomers to the field, to gain an interesting insight into the subject. Urs Gisler manages to offer both practicing healers and interested laypeople an insight into the chances, limitations and possibilities of spiritual healing, which makes you want to read more. There is, you can find his second book "Geistiges Heilen und Handauflegen - Die Selbstheilungskräfte aktivieren, stärken und nutzen" in all well-stocked bookstores. His writing is light-footed, well-founded and easy to understand.

What impresses me very much is his ability to offer something interesting for all degrees of expertise and to create new approaches and insights. This, it seems, with very accurate reproduction of technical content and also a great willingness to share his knowledge with all interested parties.

This, coupled with his modest attitude and humility towards the subject, makes for incredibly enjoyable reading and creates variety between chapters.

You get to know Urs Gisler very accessible, he reveals some of his career and biography, learn so much valuable about chakras (energy centers), subtlety, breath, health care and of course about the various forms of spiritual healing, which additional sciences Urs Gisler uses and much more.

This book creates for me in its humble way one of the most important contributions to the enlightenment, acceptance and effectiveness of spiritual healing. In a world on the way from 3D to 5D this is indispensable. Thank you Urs Gisler.  

Do you like this book review or would you like to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Mail me at martina@ally.vision

"Our learning process in healing is not limited to treatment, but our entire life becomes a classroom."
Urs Gisler, Founder Healing School Switzerland, Breath Therapist, Acupuncturist

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