Weekly Book Review No. 18

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 18

Communicating successfully in all situations and using humor to put yourself in the other person's shoes is the goal of Thomas Erikson, behavioral scientist, lecturer and author. He teaches how we can communicate successfully with those who tick differently than we do.

Thomas Erikson: "Surrounded by idiots. The four types of human behavior."

Clear communication is not my greatest strength. It succeeds sometimes more, sometimes less well.

My brain tends to think in big loops and so on some days communication is more like the labyrinth in Alice in Wonderland. Since I know about it, I am aware that there are different types of communication and I know the Graves model with the different stages of development, stress types according to Virginia Satir and some other models, communication is much easier. I see it more as a learning field in human existence.

Another help for all those who are newer to the topic or would like to learn more about it on their own is the latest book tip.

Thomas Erikson offers solutions that are scientifically based, but tested in everyday life. After reading it, you will be able to distinguish between the different types of communication and recognize them in everyday life. If you want to know more about this, a workshop on the DISG model, on which Erikson strongly builds, will soon appear on myAlly. Under Wellbeing and Business you will also find numerous articles that will further educate you in communication.

In principle, Erikson divides people into 4 different communication types, assigns them personality traits, temperaments, strengths and weaknesses. He gives basic behaviors how you can adapt to each communication type (very valuable) and describes numerous very funny examples from everyday life. In addition, he builds bridges to ancient cultures such as the Greeks and Aztecs, where depending on the type, roles were assigned in the community to make living together as safe and successful as possible.

Surely you have heard of the color communication types, or even taken a team seminar on it. This book will give you a deeper insight and numerous practical examples to illustrate.

Do you like this book review or would you like to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Email me at martina@ally.vision

"People are not Excel spreadsheets. Their behavior cannot be accurately predicted. But if we understand the basics of human communication, we can avoid the biggest screwups."
Thomas Erikson, behavioral scientist, lecturer and author

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