Weekly Book Review No. 14

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 14

Untamed. Doesn't that sound great? For me, on the way to an adult individuality, the discovery of my very own self and with a lot of catching up to do, an incredibly attractive word. To you, too?

Glennon Doyle: "Untamed"

Untamed, nonconformist, revolutionary, rebellious? Or maybe rather: A real punk is the one who lives his essence with passion and carries it to the outside world?

These topics have been driving me (and you?) all my life. I want to understand how people work, how I function, what makes me unique and of course find solutions when there is a problem somewhere.

Long story short. Untamed touched me there and picked me up. Glennon Doyle, an American author (NYT #1) and activist talks candidly about her life journey and breaking out of social conventions.

What is a good wife, daughter, friend? How much time do we spend conforming to a societal image (which changes over a lifetime) and forget about who we really are?

What happens when you stop thinking and acting in these boxes and conventions. With what consequence is a life allowed to unfold that feels supposedly more uncomfortable but also richer in real moments?

Am I aware of how high the price of conformed life really is? How much am I influenced by beliefs such as, this is not possible now, sometime later, what would trigger this or that decision in terms of resonance in partnership, environment and within me?

If you are also dealing with such questions from time to time, I recommend this book as a great first reading. It will encourage you to start moving, step by step.

If you are looking for more books on this topic, don't hesitate to contact me.

Do you like this book review or would you like to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Email me at martina@ally.vision

"Every single, individual life is an unprecedented experiment. There is no map. We are all pioneers."
Glennon Doyle

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