Weekly Book Review No. 1

Book Review

Weekly Book Review No. 1

The French philosopher and writer Voltaire (1694-1778) already said, "Reading strengthens the soul". With that in mind, we'd like to share some of our all time every time favorites with you over the next little while. Maybe it will inspire you to pick up the next book, too. We start this week with Vladimir Megre "Anastasia - The ringing cedars".

Vladimir, a commercial entrepreneur from Novosibirsk, meets Anastasia on the banks of the Ob River during one of his business trips. Like her family for many generations, she lives in the Russian taiga in harmony with nature, animals and the cosmos. The conversations and experiences with Anastasia literally turn Vladimir's world upside down and he begins to question his previous superficial, profit-oriented way of life. He promises to make Anastasia's message available to the world via books. Anastasia lives without clothes under the open sky, feeds on the fruits of nature and talks to wild animals, which live side by side with her. She has extraordinary gifts and powers that give her access to knowledge that cannot be explained by pure logic. Anastasia's messages, contained in the ten-volume book series, have moved thousands of people far beyond the borders of Russia. So us, too. She has had a lasting impact on our understanding of nature, and our founders tend their gardens in Anastasia's spirit. I feel that the joy of reading this book comes from a recognition of ourselves, our origins, and the desire for harmony and respect with flora and fauna. 

Do you like this book review or would you like to share a groundbreaking read with all Ally Vision readers? Email me at martina@ally.vision

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